Social Work Training
The course is held six times a year and is designed to provide participants with specialist knowledge in order to deal with a wide variety of interpreting situations and consultations. In addition to learning how to support foreign residents in their daily lives, the course provides an opportunity for participants to exchange their experiences, information and opinions.
■ Content examples
- Techniques for interpreters
- About consumer consultations
- About status of residence
- About the welfare system
- About legal consultations
- About the pension system

Mental Health Supporter Training
This training course is held 4 times a year for those who are involved in supporting foreign children and their parents in various situations, such as interpreting, consultation and learning support, to learn about developmental disabilities and other issues.
Training sessions for supporters of foreign children with developmental disorders and their guardians
- Let’s Think about Children’s Mental Health
Held on 20 November (Sun), 2021
Lecturer: Kenji Tsuchiya, Psychiatrist, Specially Appointed Professor, Educational and Research Facilities Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
- Let’s Look at Our Children’s Behaviour – The Power of Praise.
Held on 24 July (Sun), 2021
Lecturer: Akemi Okumura, Assistant Professor, Educational and Research Facilities Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
- What Can We Do When We are Worried about Our Children?
Held on 31 July (Sun), 2021
Lecturer: Kenji Tsuchiya, Psychiatrist, Specially Appointed Professor, Educational and Research Facilities Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
- Let’s Think about the Language Development of Foreign Children.
Held on 28 November (Sat), 2020
Lecturer: Misako Suzuki, Speech-Language Pathologist, certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Japanese Language Supporter Training
This training course is held about 6 times a year, aimed at Japanese language teachers and volunteers who are active in local Japanese language classes in Hamamatsu City. Participants learn useful knowledge for their own classroom activities from various lecturers who are involved in Japanese language education.

This course is for those who plan on volunteering as Japanese Language Supporters.
Supporters will learn about the current situation and initiatives in Hamamatsu City such as easy Japanese, interculturalism, etc. over 16 sessions. There are also plans for start Japanese language Classes for adults and hands-on experiences as a volunteer in after-school classes.
Open to anyone with an interest in the subject.
Why not take the first step towards volunteering with us?
< Recommended for the following people >
- Anyone with an interest in volunteering as a Japanese Language Supporter
- Anyone interested in supporting foreigners in the community
Course Content
- Intercultural Understanding
- Language Learning Experience
- Easy Japanese
- Stories and Experience from volunteers at after-school classes.
- Japanese Language Learning, etc.

We will support you to take the first steps towards volunteering after completing your course!

Volunteer Work Placements
- Volunteering at after-school help in an elementary school
- In the city as part of a Japanese Language Learning Support Group
- U-ToC Reading and Writing Classes
- Volunteering for Events
- In the city as part of a Japanese Language Learning Support Group
Skill-up Training Course for Japanese Language Supporters
We organize classes to help people who are: working as Japanese language teachers, students who are hoping to become Japanese language teachers and regular people who wish to help and be able to teach Japanese language; to skill up and train.
Selection of some Courses Held Since 2019
< For Japanese Teachers >
- CEFR Training for Regional Japanese Teachers
OKUMURA Minako, (YYJ: Slow and Easy Japanese Friends)
- Let’s Use Regional Japanese in the Classroom! Using “Colorful Japanese for Life!”
Professor: YANASHIMA Fumie (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Urawa)
- Putting Japanese Class Learning into Practice Online “You Can Do Japanese (Beginners)” Getting Into the Heart of It!
Professor: SHIMADA Kazuko (Everyday Corporate Juridical Access to Japanese Language Learning Research Institute)
- Deepening Possibilities for Online Japanese Learning for Beginners: What Professors Feel about Subjects and What an Online Class Should Be
Professor: FUJIMOTO Kaoru (Musashino University, Global Studies Faculty, Japanese Communications Department)
- Learn to Make Tests from Japanese Specialists Part 1 “Evaluations, Making Evaluation Tests”, Part 2 “Japanese Education, What to Look Out for when Making Tests for Beginners Level Japanese”
Professor: TANI Seiji (Tokoha University, Faculty of Foreign Language, Global Communications Department )、SAKAMOTO Masanobu (Tokoha University, Business Faculty, Business Department)
<For Japanese Teachers, Volunteer Teachers>
- Teaching Materials for Teaching Japanese from the Beginning and Practicing “Listen! Copy! Speak! “
Professor: YASUDA Otoyo (Japanese Language Learning Support Group “Kotonoha”)
- Using Manga as a Teaching Material “Looking into the Japanese Classroom” Learning Through Realization, Make the Best out of Living Our Lives
Professor: KANEDA Tomoko (Gakushuin University, Faculty of Literature, Japanese Language and Literature Department)
We post notices of the regional Japanese language classes which are held by HICE Japanese Language Bank Volunteers on “Mikan News (Mikan Tsushin)”.
To become part of the HICE Volunteer Bank, you can download the application form from here
Disaster Preparedness Multilingual Volunteer Training
We are training multilingual crisis translators and providing support and information in many languages for foreign residents, in order to prevent any casualties in times of crisis; due to lack of information and preparedness due to a language barrier,
Intercultural Understanding Facilitators Training
We are training people who can act as a mediator between local people and people with different backgrounds to understand each other and are working help mutual-understanding within these local communities.
- Practical Use Seminars
We are holding practical use seminars in order to help: give the Social Welfare Council and people with disabilities an opportunity to have consultations, to help agencies related to the care of elderly people, to connect foreign resident agencies to foreign residents who need consultations, to help with the understanding of foreign residents with different backgrounds and to teach “Easy Japanese” which is actually used in real situations.
Enquiries about this page
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