• Hamamatsu Intercultural Center
  • Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center
  • Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
Hamamatsu Intercultural Center Hamamatsu Foreign Resident Study Support Center Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange

Intercultural Cities (ICC)

The Intercultural Cities (ICC) Program, of which Hamamatsu is a member, promotes a new urban policy which would see the diversity of residents from different cultural backgrounds, such as migrants and minorities, as a source of vitality, innovation, creativity and and opportunity for growth for the city.

To find out more about membership to the ICC Program, check out Hamamatsu City Official Website

Intercultural City Initiative We Are Promoting

  1. Events surrounding ICC
  2. Interviews with local people who have foreign roots

1. Events Surrounding ICC

We hold events which help to spread the ideas of Intercultural Cities (ICC).

  • The First ICC Seminar “Maximizing the Potential of Diversity! The Future of Intercultural Cities (Held December 10th 2021)

2. Interviews with Local People Who Have Foreign Roots

People with foreign roots are actively participating in our society! We conduct (and post) interviews with some of those people to chat about their backgrounds and activities.

3. Hamamatsu ICC Implementation Meeting

We have set up a Committee with members who each work in various fields, such as multiculturalism, industries, culture and citizen-wide cooperation. They hold meetings to exchange opinions and ideas on how best to put the ICC Programs initiatives into practice.

Members of the Board (as of January 2022)
Citizen-wide CooperationARAISHI MakiJapan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Hamamatsu Desk
MediaOKUBO YuinaFreelance Presenter
Cultural ExchangeSUZUKI ErikaHamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange (HICE)
Event Coordinator
Cultural Promotion TAKASHIMA ChisakoAssociate Professor at Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Industrial PromotionTANABE TomokiJapan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Director at Hamamatsu Trade Information Center
Cultural PromotionSHIMADA AtsushiHamamatsu Foundation for Cultural Promotion
Cultural Exchange Paul AndreaYouth with foreign roots
Cultural Exchange MIYAGI Yukimi Youth with foreign roots
Cultural Exchange YAMAWAKI KeizoProfessor at Meiji University

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Mr. Tai Shūki】

Enchanted by Japanese culture, he made his visit The more he learned, the more curious his heart became Keisuke Kinoshita […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents :Vol.13  N&V BRIDGE GROUP CEO NGUYEN VO HUYEN DUONG

A specialist connecting Japan and VietnamFacilitating business growth by introducing innovative ventures unexplored in Vietnam Nguyen graduated from LE QUY […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Mr. Jose Carlos】

Came to Japan aged 15,“It’s because of my great teacher that I could become who I am today.” Jose Carlos […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents :Vol.15 Jazz Singer Maria Lourdes

2016 Champion of the World Gold Medalist - The voice is a mirror of the heart Delivering songs with emotions set […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Mr. Roberto Jun Yuasa】

Wooden Cutlery Noticed by a First Class Restaurant  One day, Mr. Roberto Jun Yuasa received an email out of the blue from a stranger.“Do […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Mr. Wu Deshang】

Looking Beyond Nationality and Career; Grateful for First Business  “I shocked even myself when I landed the job. It was […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents :Vol.14 Certified Care Worker Nguyen Thi Bich Trang

Caregiving is my callingBringing Japan’s excellent caregiving system to Vietnam Trang, who grew up amidst the lush landscapes of Vietnam, […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【 Mr. Reysser Pacheco 】

Solving Problems Foreigners Face, and His First Full-Time Position Mr. Pacheco’s main role is as a real estate agent. The […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents Vol.10【Mr. Balua Parash 】

Asta Co. Ltd.Mr. Balua Parash I thought that Japanese people were serious but,they helped achieve my dreams to create high […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents Vol.9 【Mr. Alberto Takada Silva 】

Shizuoka Seibu Motor Driving School Brazilian Driving Instructor Alberto Takada Silva Having Japanese grandparents,I always felt close to Japan growing up […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents :Vol.11 Firdaus Priyo Hartomo, from the Yataro Group Management Planning Department at Yataro Co. Ltd

Sharing the education, culture, and cuisine of Japan with the children of Indonesia After completing university in Indonesia, Firdaus spent […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Mr. Jin Takahashi】

Captivated by Japan for Over 30 YearsBecoming a Bridge between Brazil & Japan Fale Japones CEO: Mr. Jin Takahashi In […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents 【Ms. Doan Hang】

Promoting the Precious Cocoa from Her Hometown to the World with Support from Japan At first glance, Ms. Doan Hang […]

The Satisfaction of Creating Things that People Will Take Care of, and His Fulfilling Work in Hamamatsu, the City of Music

The Satisfaction of Creating Things that People Will Take Care of, and His Fulfilling Work in Hamamatsu, the City of […]

Interview with Local Foreign Residents: Vol.16 – Omkar Kedar Joshi

“My life in India surrounded by kind-hearted people” Omkar, a citizen of Pune, an Indian city which boasts a rich […]

Interview of Local Foreign Residents :Vol.12 English Teacher Khulan Iino

English – the lingua franca of the worldHelping children use English freely as their second language Khulan was born and […]